In a stunning achievement that has thrilled the gaming community, 13-year-old Willis Gibson, known as Blue Scuti on YouTube, has become the first human player to conquer Nintendo’s iconic video game, Tetris. Gibson’s remarkable feat, captured on his YouTube channel, shows the moment he reached an unprecedented level 157, causing the game to crash after 38 intense minutes of gameplay. Gibson’s journey to Tetris mastery began at the age of 11, and since then he has participated in various gaming tournaments, including the 2023 Classic Tetris World Championship, where he secured third place. The teenager’s passion for the game has now culminated in a groundbreaking achievement that has defied long held beliefs in the gaming community.
Tetris, created in 1984 by Soviet engineer Alexey Pajitnov, gained immense popularity after its release on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Game Boy in 1989. Traditionally, players believed that it was only possible to play up to level 29 until a few years ago. Gibson’s achievement at level 157 shattered this prejudice. In addition to beating the game, Gibson claims to have broken the overall record and three other Tetris world records. This remarkable achievement has sparked a new wave of enthusiasm within the gaming community, with players across all platforms and consoles attempting to beat the teenager’s records. Many document their efforts on social media and video streaming platforms.