REYNATIS is an action RPG set in Shibuya, Tokyo, with two protagonists fighting for the world they want. The participation of prominent creators such as Kazushige Nojima on stage and Yoko Shimomura on the soundtrack generates positive expectations. It was announced at the Nintendo Direct, and there are many excited fans.
The hype from Square Enix fans may be due to the reputation of these creators and the realistic setting in Shibuya. Additionally, the message mentions particularly positive reception outside of Japan, indicating global interest in the game.
It seems that REYNATIS has elements that could appeal to action RPG fans, and the collaboration of renowned talents in the gaming industry suggests a high-quality approach to the game’s narrative and music. However, the final experience will depend on the execution of these elements and how they are integrated into the gameplay.
We’ll have to wait and see how the game plays out! In the meantime, you know, don’t hesitate to consult the 110 best Nintendo Switch games (2024).