The recognized head of the series of The Witcher from Netflix, Lauren S. Hissrichrecently participated in an interview with Writer Experience in which he talked about how little he took from video games; He didn't play too much.
You can find his words below:
You know, first (I'm not a gamer), but when I was in charge of the project for the first time, I found a friend of mine, Matt Owens, who is a great player and basically insisted that he let me play. And then, very quickly, I realized that I stopped. Then I saw him play and drank some beers. And I took the images of the world. And what I will say is that this is probably the most important thing I got from the video game.
Many times people think that fantasy is really dirty, disgusting, horrible and completely dark. And the truth is that The Witcher actually has a lot of color, has a lot of life, has a lot of everything. That's something I saw in the game, I saw how beautiful the world could be. And I thought, what a great balance for fantasy, because that's real life, right? Even in tragedy, the sun still rises in real life, and it sets and that can be beautiful, even if there is a war at the next door. So that is something we take into account. And also, I think there are a lot of things, there are many little secrets in the series, which are basically there to tell the gamers, we are seeing you, we know you are here too. And we know you love The Witcher and you know him, not just because of the books. So I just want to wink at you too.