We get an interesting message from the official account of Twitter from Nintendo support for Japan. Apparently, in their latest publication, they have included a reference to the late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata
The fans did not take long to understand it. In the tweet, we can read a message about how to post screenshots. However, the way it is explained is related to Iwata.
And it is that, in the text, they have decided to use the word Twitter instead of tweet. This is a reference to the way Satoru Iwata used the word Twitter in a Nintendo Direct that aired on 2015
Followers of the account have immediately noticed the reference and the message, which shows the sky of Animal Crossing: New Horizons in one photo, already accumulates thousands of interactions. You have it below:
「ア ル バ ム」 に 保存 し た 画面 写真 は 、 Twitter に 投稿 す る こ と が で き ま す。 投稿 の 際 に Twitter ア カ ウ ン ト を ご 準備 く だ さ い。
ち な み に 、 今日 は Switch か ら ト ゥ イ ー ト し て み ま し た。# ど う ぶ つ の 森 #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/SQiTsDpGiS
– 任天堂 サ ポ ー ト (@nintendo_cs) April 17, 2020
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