A talented artist and Pokémon fan has designed adorable baby shapes for Lugia, Ho-Oh and Suicune. These three legendary Pokémon were introduced in Pokémon Gold and silver. With Ho-Oh and Lugia as the cover creatures of the main games of the 2nd generation. Meanwhile, Suicune He is part of a trio of Legendary Beasts, along with Entei and Raikou.
Like many legendaries, Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Suicune have appeared in the Pokémon anime feature film and its related films. Thus inspiring fanatic artists to create impressive works that show their majesty and power.
A Reddit user and Pokémon fan artist, rc1246, recently shared his latest series of drawings on r/pokemon, each representing a baby form for Lugia, Ho-Oh or Suicune. Each cute baby Pokémon variant is represented as a smaller version of its adult counterpart, with larger eyes and some of its physical characteristics not yet developed. For example, the baby Lugia lacks the retractable dark blue crests on its back, the infant Ho-Oh only has a row of feathers on its wings, and the young Suicune only has a tail.
[OC] What if Lugia, Ho-Oh and Suicune had baby forms?
byu/rc1246 inpokemon
rc1246 He has also created and shared plenty of awesome Pokémon art on his Reddit account. The Pokémon franchise has always been a rich source of inspiration for artists. And, rc1246 offers a lovely look at Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Suicune in their baby versions. Maintaining fidelity to your original designs while simplifying elements