The renowned series of Shovel knight It has been expanding over the years with new characters, stories, adventures and, of course, a different gameplay design.
King of cards It is the most recent example of this, an expansion starring the elegant King knight but with a rhythm of play very different from the original; with shorter levels and fewer health points.
In a recent official blog, the game developer has explained the reason for these changes in the expansion:
With the King Knight adventure, we wanted to differentiate the level design with the fleshy levels of Shovel, Plague and Specter. Instead, we focus the game on shorter and faster levels to complete, more similar to those you might find in a Mario game.
One of the difficulties was that the central idea of the Shovel Knight health system has always been created with a great scenario in mind. Shovel Knight essentially resists 20 hits, which works very well when you're venturing through the 30 scenes of a level, but since the levels of King of Cards are much shorter, we decided that it would be better to reduce the amount of overall health of the player … in the middle! With only a few strokes for each level, players should approach the adventure knowing very well that each notch of damage received and each part of health recovered is relevant.