Big or small, the monitor is best to buy a PC

The Boss


Big or small, the monitor is best to buy a PC

Big, buy, monitor, small

Of course eventually the election will be limited by your budget and space on the table. As much as you want a 32-inch screen, if your desk is small and uneven, it doesn't make sense or think about it.

But if you have defined budget and desk space regulated, you are certainly hesitant to buy a monitor or less but have better symptoms. Which monitor should you buy between these two options?

The benefits of buying a larger monitor

The first advantage of having a large guard is obviously a great viewing area. But be careful, because this can be a problem it depends on the distance you place the monitor from where you are sitting, because when the screen is too big it will force you to turn your neck to see the ends of the screen, and this is something to avoid especially if you spend hours ahead of the screen as it will eventually give you cervical pains.

UltraWide monitors

Of course, the benefit of having a great tracker comes when you put it very far from where you live, because you'll see everything better, even at the expense of having a cheaper solution because precisely this disadvantage is achieved by staying away. from the monitor (you basically don't see the solution as if you feel close).

The benefits of buying a small monitor

If you decide to monitor a small monitor, the price difference may be to allow you to choose one that has better features than the larger one, such as higher correlation, better recovery rate or faster response time.

These are all features you will notice in the use experience, but you also have to go back to them pay attention to the distance you sit from the monitor, because if you live far away, you will see everything is small and (especially if it has a high resolution) it may even cost you to read the documents.

Discount discount

Another thing to keep in mind if you intend to buy a small but better monitor is the power of your PC. Higher resolution and higher refresh rates mean more graphics card work in gaming, and if it's not powerful enough it will force you to release image settings, increase usage experience, or FPS rate decreases making the game less appealing to that decision, causing crashes, crashes and so on.

So what eye should I buy?

You have to go in there to check how much the bill is, but pay attention to all the things we consider the most: the distance to stay from the monitor, and the graphics card for your computer. Our recommendation in this regard is as follows:

  • Minimum distance of 30 cm: maximum 17 inches.
  • Distance between 40 and 50 cm: between 19 and 21 inches.
  • Distance between 50 and 60 cm: between 21 and 24 inches.
  • Distance between 60 and 70 cm: between 22 and 27 inches, 29 inches UltraWide.
  • Distance between 70 and 80 cm: between 24 and 32 inches, 34 inches UltraWide.
  • Distance between 90 and 100 cm: between 27 and 35 inches.
  • More than 1 meter away: 32 inches high

In addition to this, you have to pay attention to the power of your graphics card: is it ready to move games to a track solution? Will the user experience be positive?

When all this anonymity is cleared, no one will tell you that a bigger screen or a smaller screen is better, because the option you choose will come alone.

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