When we buy PC games, for many years the only way to do so is through one of the various game stores available, such as Steam, Epic Games Store, GOG among others. This situation is not the same for consoles, since they can buy games in both physical and digital format.
Microsoft and Sony are committed to encouraging users to purchase their consoles online. digital version in order to be forced to go through the PlayStation or Microsoft store to buy games, since these are the only platforms available.
This way, they make much more money with each game than if they distributed them physically, thus saving on distribution costs and the percentage that the stores keep in addition to creating the physical media.
The most recent example of the policy followed by Sony and Microsoft can be found in the PS5 Pro. This console, unlike the original PS5, is only available in digital version. If we want to use the games we have on physical media, we have to pay more than 100 dollars for the disc drive.
Console games in digital format
When we buy a game in digital format, we are not really buying it, we are rental its use at a very high price. Although it is very unlikely, if the Sony or Microsoft games store disappears, all the games we purchased will no longer be available, so all the money invested is lost.
Once we have finished the game we cannot do absolutely anything with it, since it is associated with our account forever, we cannot sell it second hand to recover part of the money we have invested.
Games in digital format do not only have negative points, since they also have their strong points like immediate availability without having to reserve the game in a store and we will never have problems finding it on the market since there are no stock problems.
We can't consider the convenience of not having to get up from the chair to insert the game into the unit as a plus or minus, as it requires no effort.
Games in physical format
The main advantage that console games offer in digital format is that the games are oursthey do not belong to the console manufacturer. If the video game divisions of Sony or Microsoft cease to exist, we will have no problem continuing to enjoy the games we have on the console.
Additionally, if we like to preserve consoles for posterity, we can play whenever we want, since we are not dependent on the availability of online games.
If we get tired of the game, we can recoup some of the money we invested by selling it used in order to buy another game at a lower price. Moreover, if we get tired of the console and want to buy a gaming PC, we can not only sell the consolebut also games.
Regarding the negative points, we talk about the need to go to the store to reserve it, especially if it is a highly anticipated title in addition to dealing with the possible lack of stock on the market. Additionally, if care is not taken, the physical support can end up scratched or deteriorated over time.