There are many booklets on the Internet about how to handle crystals, how to leave them clean and shiny, without the pile of dust and help protect their appearance, but we actually see that treating many PC-shaped crystals does not fit the standard definition of this content.
How to wash a hot glass without power
To do the cleaning job, we have to look at the type of glass or glass we have in our box. Although the manufacturer asserts that there is a low humidity, the fact is that most do not exist and are different in soil thickness and hardness, but this is another distinct problem.
Assuming that, in fact, our chassis has hit the glass, we should look at three types of warm glass currently operating in the PC industry:
- Classic sound glass
- Warm printed glass.
- The glass tends to reflect light.
We will not specify the differences between them because we will deal with them in another related topic, but we must remember that because of their specific processes, what happened and the products to use may be different.
Holy / Translucent Glass
In noisy glass, almost independent of the brand, we can use a very simple and cheap mixture while easy to find: distilled water and ammonia (if possible clean, without perfume). This mixture is, as a general rule, a winning combination of this type of Crystal, since we will only have to approach our nearest store or drug store and find both products for a very small price and in large quantities.
The component is usually inclined to 85-90% water with all ammonia, of which the final key component is microfiber cloth (polyester or polyamide or both), which will be added to the solvent (which will not be 100% wet) thus removing any particles from the crystal.
Warm printed glass
When our glass is printed, we should pay attention to the fact that the cover layer is very weak and fragile, as it is the film that gives it the usual dark touch. So even though we can also use clean water and pure ammonia, the ratio should be very low (95% -5%) and where the material used is spandex over polyester or inylon / polyamide
Their best combination, to get us an idea, is the standard suede for cleaning certain glasses. It absorbs, holds up perfectly, doesn't grow anything and collects any kind of particles.
Anti-glare crystals
Lastly, we have anti-reflective crystals, which have treatments on both sides that allow them to reduce the expression. In these cases with greater protection, we may add a portion of ammonia to the reduced water if we do not get a good result.
In this case, fabrics for spandex on a larger scale, the same size as the standard fabric of the crystals is thicker and less flexible.
For the most lazy when it comes to shopping, there are products that, although no one can claim these requirements, because of their design, they work very well. A great example and easy to find brand multipurpose 3 witches, which is sold by supermarkets such as Mercadona.
It has high solvent power, neutral PH and leaves no residue, but should be used in small amounts. Finally, you have to get away from the glass cleaners or celebrities 99% isopropyl alcohol. This works well on some things like lenses, screens and others, but is very aggressive with hot glass, so it's a good alternative, especially over time.
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