The success of the web in technology is not only achieved by providing current information about the latest technology products. It is very important to know that our students are satisfied with our work and how much they trust us in the future.
Now you can help us provide the best service for you if you participate in ours 2019 student survey (sponsored by NordVPN). To access the survey, click here.
With this survey, we aim to know how you feel about our website so that we know what we're doing right (or wrong) and be able to do better. We would like to know what kind of products stimulate your interest to provide you with relevant information.
As a compliment, everyone who completes the interview will enter the lottery directly to win a Samsung Galaxy 10 discount or one of our 40 Amazon discounts worth € 20.
The winners will be contacted by email before January 14, 2020. All questions in the exam should be answered. Testing cannot be done often. Terms and conditions can be found here.