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Ubisoft® Announces Event-Specific Event for Season 1 of Year 5 of Tom Clancy & # 39; s Rainbow Siege, Grand Larceny. The event also introduces a new game mode to the old British version of the old map "Hereford", called "The Stolen Goods". Players must be prepared to protect their money at all costs.
The event will run for two weeks, from May 5 to 19. In this 5v5 style inspired by the British mafia of the 1920s, gunfire erupts on the outskirts of Barracks. Most of the Staff will be open to play at the event, except for a few due to gameplay specs: Glaz, Nomad, Buck, Montagne, Blitz, Caveira, Kali, Clash, Blackbeard, Lion, IQ, Tachanka, Recruit, Twitch and Mozzie will not be available.
Each machine will have just one gun as their primary weapon, personalized by the event skin, as found in the Grand Larceny and The Roaring Riches collections.
Stolen Goods game mode is different from normal game mode. No Arrests, A Place to Protect or Bombs to Work. There is no preparation phase or attack drones. However, there are safe boxes scattered across the map. Attackers must protect at all costs, but can also win medals by removing all opponents. On the other hand, attackers have to open a certain number of safe boxes or remove all defenders. Players will be notified of the availability of safe boxes, as well as floor repairs that will remove certain metal columns after destruction, allowing players to use their artwork with firearms. Players must be prepared for an unprecedented amount of destruction Tom Clancy's Rain of Robert Six® Siege.
The Grand Larceny collection will feature 31 new features, including exclusive customizations for Amaru, Fuse, Gridlock, Hibana, Maverick, Echo, Maestro, Kaid, Wamai, and Warden. These styles from the last century are the ones you can find in the game when choosing these Operators to play at an event. The Grand Larceny bundle can be earned by completing special event challenges (one per week) or by purchasing it with 300 R6 Credits or 12,500 Redown Credits each in the bundle section of the big screen. The Roaring Riches range, featuring Deco Artistry leather and Crafted Six amulet, will also be available for purchase at this time.