There are times when getting the configuration we want can be very expensive, and anything we want to buy that is extremely custom can cost a lot of money. If we also take into account other factors like having a very refined taste in certain aspects, then it can be practically impossible to find a perfect PC device or configuration without spending too much money, and that’s what happened to a user, who in search of the keyboard personalized of Madeira Perfect, you ended up investing the same price as a graphics card.
Los peripherals personalized They can have excessively high prices, and even more so if you are looking for something specific and as perfect as possible, and even a keyboard can easily exceed $400. In some occasions, even those which, in terms of customization, only have a series of different colors as well as a high quality configuration of keys and switches, can cost even more than 600 $, but even in this In this case, it is excessive to think that a peripheral can end up costing practically the same as the best components offered by a computer.
A custom keyboard that costs more than a graphics card, $1,500 to have perfection in a wooden structure
There’s a big problem when it comes to wanting to get an extremely custom device, and that’s the money it can cost when you take into account that many manufacturers who accept these types of requests have to invest a considerable number of hours in creating it, as they don’t look like mass-produced ones. This is why, very often, having one can be very expensive, although this time is an exception, and it is probably one of the most common problems. keyboards further Dear that we were able to see, since it is valued at $1500.
In reality, the setup as such should never cost that much money, but given that the user who made this investment was looking for a unique model in the world, it makes sense, since only the soldering kit and the PCBs already have a price. of $470. The rest of the accessories needed to create a real keyboard could add around another $500, that is everything related to the switches, the keys, the cable and in general everything that would be the rest of the internal structure. and external ones that could be missing.
But then one might wonder where the extra $500-600 that this keyboard costs comes from, and they are actually divided into two parts, shipping costs, customs, etc., and the decorative aspects to give it the additional key which the wooden keyboard structure required. Between costs and shipping costs, the user spent around $140, while to make the wood last as long as possible, he resorted to a patina service to give it an older touch, which cost $330 .
In general, this is a unique build, although not everyone would be willing to pay what it costs, especially since you can practically buy a computer with pretty high performance for the price of this keyboard.