The processors that we can currently find on the market are divided into several ranges that allow us to build a computer according to the budget we have, being able to choose if we want more performance and quality or if we prefer to spend less silver. This is why all companies offer several ranges, but AMD attempts to take a large part of the market from its competitor, by presenting processors Every time more cheap.
In the technology sector we can find daily news that allows us to know which direction companies want to take, since they offer us enough information to know what their next releases are. In this case there are no filters, but AMD has presented its new media processors, more than its normal variants, with the greater detail of what is happening now, even if it is launched in China, it is only available in China. In the whole world.
AMD is increasingly looking to offer high-end processors
One of the major proposals that was made AMD in recent years is to penetrate all possible markets, not only by offering the most varied product lines, but also by allowing users to choose in a much more varied way the components they wish to use. We therefore see that the company that created Ryzen has developed processors for every use you can think of, laptops, consoles, desktop computers, servers…
But it is clear that one of the places where it wants to compete is in the performance and price ratio that we can find in its processors compared to those of Intel, offering components that can be more powerful without having prices too high. This obviously fits into the low and medium range, since in turn the company also offers high-end solutions, and even some processors that stand out from all others in their own field.
This is how AMD managed to take away a large part of the market from Intel over the years, causing the company that created the Intel Core to only have the majority in the laptop market, which is also increasingly swinging towards AMD. and Qualcomm.
Ryzen 7 8700F and Ryzen 5 8400F, AMD’s most economical solution
The two new processors presented AMD These are the versions with disabled graphics of their two most recent proposals, two processors based on the architecture Zen4
This may be due to the fact that both processors use lower quality materials that do not allow them to offer the exceptional features of their normal versions, since in addition, the model we mentioned, the Ryzen 5 8400F, has also disabled NPU. . Otherwise the processors are similar to their base versions, so in terms of cores, threads and performance they are practically the same (if we do not take into account that they have a slightly lower clock speed) , while in price, they are $30 cheaper.