At this time processors have millions of transistors inside; To give you an idea of the size, the AMD Epyc Roma processor has 39,540,000,000 transmitters inside, each performing its own functions.
What is a transistor and how does it work?
Developed by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockey at Bell Labs on December 23, 2947, transistors actually meant "passing resistance" to their structures. It is an electric field made of semiconductors that can change the current flow of energy to pass or not, representing the actual states and zeros of a binary system.
Most transistors feature three connector points (also called terminals), which can be connected to other electrical or electrical components. By changing the amount of current that circulates between the first and second terminals of the transistor, which exists between the second and third switches, allowing the passenger to act as an on and off switch. This is known as "logical gates."
Since computers work inside a binary system, these "on" and "off" transistors work to represent themselves and the zeros in the binary system.
Thus, in a processor or GPU millions of small transistors are put together, which in turn allows the processor to perform millions of tasks throughout the clock cycles. Of course, the processor is nothing more than a big factory with millions of my swits
What types of transistors are available?
Initially, older processors use transistors as well CMOS technology (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor), a type of process MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor), but right now they are almost out of date, at least for the PCs we know today.
This is why most modern processors use transistors FinFET (End Field Effect Transistor) is sure to ring in you. They are also MOSFETs, but unlike CMOS they are produced in sub-pits, which allow one transistor to have multiple logical gates, thus greatly enhancing their performance. By the way, they are known as these (Finfets) because the regions they create look like sheets (wings), as you can see in the picture above.
FinFET is a type of 3D transistor, and is the most basic component of manufacturing nanoelectric devices and semiconductors since coming into operation in the first half of 2010. From locations around 14 nm, only FinFET transistors were used.