The Boss


Where can I use an electric motorcycle? Laws that apply

apply, electric, Laws, motorcycle

Electric scooters either scooters they are becoming more and more of a popular travel vehicle (VMP) in many cities of our country, eliminating alternatives such as bicycles, hoverboards or an electric motorcycle.

The scooters Electric (scooters with low motor) are classified as PLEV or electric light vehicles. They are not taxed or registered, and as a result, cannot be used legally by our country's roads, at least until now.

Because they travel in cars and lack the basics of cycling, it is illegal to use them on bicycle lanes and paved roads, and because of their limited capacity, it is illegal to use the road.

In spite of everything, if you are one of those drivers a a motorcycle Judging by the power and respect of passengers, it is unlikely that the police will stop you. But if they stop you, you should know that you will face fines of up to € 200.

What are the applicable scooter broadcasting regulations in the big city?

Sales of these devices have grown significantly in the last year when the DGT (Directorate General of Traffic) was forced to prepare national education, while awaiting final approval of the Royal Decree on Personal Mobility Vehicles (VMP).

A VMP is a car with one or more wheels arranged in a single seat and is powered by electricity that can give the car maximum speed with each build between 6 and 25 km / h.

You can check out our collection the best electric scooters this year, where you will find purchase advice and guidance on what goes along with VMP car procedures.

As stated by DGT, it is important to look at the technical features of each device, paying particular attention to its power and speed, as it cannot exceed 25 km / h.

If they are included in the broadcast and do not fulfill the requirements of the VMP, i EU Regulation Number 168/2013 states that its drivers may be punished with a fine of up to € 500 in addition to malfunction and installation.

Next, we give you some very important points to know when using yours a motorcycle Electricity daily in the big city, or planning to buy one. We also compare behaviors that are considered negative and less condemned.

  • Orders and parking. By-laws are those that restrict the parking and parking of these vehicles. From the DGT, it is recommended that a pedestrian crossing be pedestrian-friendly, but only its own by-law.
  • Penalties for children. In the case of disturbances committed by persons under the age of 18, parents, guardians, receptors or law enforcement or de facto, shall be jointly and severally liable for any interference made by the child.
  • Use of a mobile phone. Since they are motorists, they are not allowed to drive using a cell phone or other handheld communication system. The fine will be € 200 (Article 12.2.5B of the RGC).
  • Headphones. It is also prohibited to drive using headphones or headphones. If found, the fine will be € 200 (Section 12.2.5A of the RGC).
  • Hats and other protective gear. If there is no regulation in the General traffic Traffic Regulation, the use of these items is regulated by the Municipal Ordinance, a fine of up to € 200.
  • Have you been Parking on sidewalks and pedestrian zones is prohibited, because Article 121 of the RGC prohibits the movement of any vehicle on sidewalks (excluding skateboards, skates or similar devices that do so only on a person’s platform) to be fined € 200.
  • No passenger VMP and other electric light vehicles are designed to transport only one person, so two-person travel in a VMP is punishable by a € 100 fine (Article 9.1.5.E of the RGC).
  • Show clothes or lighting system. It will be considered negligent and can therefore be punished when driving at night without lighting or clothing or material. The corresponding fine is € 200 (Article 3.1 of the RGC)

Where are the official electric scooters either scooters?

Though Spain is a little late to accept scooters As an urban and natural mode of transport, some European countries are using a more modern and more advanced system.

In France, for example, VMP can run up to 25 km / h on a bicycle path, while Austria and Switzerland are also increasing traffic. In France and Germany, VMP can also be used at 6 km / h on sidewalks, as is the case in our country.

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