Back in the 90’s when That Simpsons was one of the best shows on television that gifted the world Theater bomb known as Water world. This post-apocalyptic action movie starring Kevin Costner was a big-buck and notorious dud. So of course The simpsons made a joke about it. And now this joke has become a fully playable video game. Just be prepared to give a lot of quarters.
I doubt I need to explain what The simpsons is for most of you reading this. Though many of you weren’t born when the show started, the animated comedy (which is still on the air) is one of the most famous and critically acclaimed TV shows of all time. Many of its jokes and scenes have become internet memes, and its iconic characters are recognized around the world, so you’re probably familiar with the program.
However, you may not know about a joke that occurs in the season 8 episode.The Springfield Files.” In the episode that is a X files Crossover (the 90’s!), we briefly see Bart’s friend Millhouse loading 40 quarters into one Water world arcade machine. As Kevin Costner’s Mariner, he takes a step. The game ends immediately, prompting him to play another 40 quarters.
Now indie game developer and twitch streamer Ara45 has put together a free full game inspired by this 20 second joke
While the original fake game featured on the show was basically just a screen and a few animations, Macaw45 has greatly expanded it, adding bosses, multiple areas to explore, and even some secrets to discover. But before you can play Kevin Costner Water worldyou need to load in 40 quarters.
In fact, every time you die, the game asks for more coins and keeps track of how much money you spend to complete it. Based on the audio that plays when coins are inserted into the machine, you also appear to be playing as Millhouse, which is the saddest part of all of this.
Macaw45 said he’s always been “fascinated” by the fake video games that often appear in The simpsons. and Water world‘s awful arcade game stuck with Macaw45 more than the others. According to the developer, the idea of what could possibly be behind that one screen we see during the show was something he pondered long after the episode aired.
“This project grew out of that interest,” said Macaw45. “And while it was originally intended to be a short game, it has evolved rapidly and I’ve put tremendous effort into a fully fleshed out game on a much larger scale than I ever anticipated.”
Once you hit Water world (or give up a few screens, no shame) You can try another fake Simpsons Game became real: Lee Carvallo’s Putting Challenge.