Halloween, but Warframe Newer content hub is already awesome. How could the objects on the full moon Mars, when the whole planet is in a circle, alive with flesh and decay, be afraid?
The cast characters have already been sentenced to half life inside large bulbs. Don’t worry, though, because they’ve found a way to celebrate the season in a new revival of Naberus night.
Naberus is Warframe version of Halloween, and the character Daughter will be wearing the costume of the year to bring out the best of the players by exchanging Mom Tokens.
Players can open glyphs, skins, and plans until November 9 at 2 pm EDT. There will also be “Whispering Naberus Mobile,” which allows players to listen to a radio story played by an actor called Gogo.
The update includes redesign and redesign of the console, as well as changes to the new Xaku Warframe. There will be new skins for Necromech and Velocipod, two new tools brought to the game in the heart of Deimos. Deimos is a continuous review area; Nights of Naberus is a small update designed for fun and taste, while upcoming updates will bring a lot of features and magnification to the gameplay systems.
Naberus Night is available on all platforms starting Thursday, and a full list of new additions is available on the official Warframe site.