We've been saying it for a few weeks now, but as it goes down the wire it goes on: the Super Bowl is a great time to buy a new TV. Last year's cutting-edge shows are marked at much lower prices while retailers find room for new models, just in time for Super Bowl team executives to show off the beloved new TV. This week we highlight Samsung RU8000 model, written almost half of Amazon in anticipation of the big game.
To keep up with that new TV, if you trade down costs from your TV, streaming tool, audio bar, etc. We recommend taking one of the Philips' new global settings. What sets this device apart from any other remote control on the market is the rear compartment, which contains a Fire TV or a remote Roku. Since most remote sensors can control broadcast devices, this is one of the ways to really get into remote life. Both Fire TV and Roku models clocked in at $ 5 at Target.
And if you want to show a little, AOC 25-inch gaming monitor is less than $ 159.99 on Amazon, which is 20 percent of the retail price. G-Sync compatible full HD monitor has a refresh rate of 144Hz and a response time of 1ms.
In front of a gaming computer, The bundles of the Xbox One are still reduced in the lead-up to the Xbox Series X launch. Luigi's House 3 He has been banned for the first time since Black Friday.
Best TV Agreement: Samsung RU8000
<div class = "c-shoppable c-shoppable – has-image" data-anthem-complication = "1487306" data-cid = "site / shoppable-1580336878_1235_3125" data-cdata = "{" anthem_component_id ": 1487306," title ":" Samsung RU8000 65-inch 4K UHD Smart TV "," chorus_asset_id ": 19656265," url ":" https://amzn.to/2vyAjQD "," seller ":" Amazon "," price ":" $ 797.99 (47% off) "," description ":"
Last year's 40-inch Samsung RU8000 model is on sale for nearly half the price on Amazon's "Big Game" sale. In addition to 4K UHD image quality and AMD FreeSync revate technology, smart TV is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant so you can control the volume even if your hands are covered with buffalo sauce.
"," photo_credit ":" Photo: Samsung "," entry_id ": 20878023," image_url ":" https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/RCCEF7QWJIggKm-b1L-JZI4M41M=/1000×0/cdn.vox- cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19656265/91gb3e0eq6L._SL1500_.jpg "," anchor_id ":" Samsung_RU8000_65-inch_4K_UHD_Smart_TV_-1487306 "}">
Samsung RU8000 65-inch 4K UHD Smart TV
Last year's 40-inch Samsung RU8000 model is on sale for nearly half the price on Amazon's "Big Game" sale. In addition to 4K UHD image quality and AMD FreeSync revate technology, smart TV is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant so you can control the volume even if your hands are covered with buffalo sauce.
Picture: Samsung
<div class = "c-shoppable c-shoppable – has-image" data-anthem-complication = "1487307" data-cid = "site / shoppable-1580336878_9098_3126" data-cdata = "{" anthem_component_id ": 1487307," title ":" AOC G2590FX FHD gaming monitor "," chorus_asset_id ": 19656656," url ":" https://amzn.to/2vptXmr "," seller ":" Amazon "," price ":" $ 159, 99 (20%) off) "," description ":"
This 25-inch monitor from AOC has full HD resolution, refresh rate of 144 Hz, and response time of 1 ms, and Nvidia G-Sync is compatible. All of that adds a smooth gaming experience, especially if you're working with one of Nvidia's & # 39; s GPUs. Also, it has a burnt red bezel at the bottom, which gets to where the toys go, subtle touches.
"," photo_credit ":" Image: AOC "," entry_id ": 20878023," image_url ":" https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/w1nd91u42GCUqEtnptB3gXfEsb4=/1000×0/cdn.vox-cd.com / chorus_asset / file / 19656656 / 61bXjkseJEL._SL1080_.jpg "," anchor_id ":" AOC_G2590FX_FHD_gaming_monitor-1487307 "}">
AOC G2590FX FHD sports monitor
This 25-inch monitor from AOC has full HD resolution, refresh rate of 144 Hz, and response time of 1 ms, and Nvidia G-Sync is compatible. All of that adds a smooth gaming experience, especially if you're working with one of Nvidia's & # 39; s GPUs. Also, it has a burnt red bezel at the bottom, which gets to where the toys go, subtle touches.
Photo: AOC