Naraka: Blade tip, a multiplayer martial arts game from 24 Entertainment, sought to reinvent the artistry of combat through parkour, beautifully crafted characters, and competitive PVP battle royale. While flying under the radar of most mainstream gaming talk in 2021, the game recently landed a killer crossover with the legendary Bruce Lee, and admittedly boasts impressive theatrics within competitive scene.
Five months have passed since then Naraka: Blade tip Kung fu has fought its way into existence, and while boards don’t fight back, user reviews do. How did Naraka: Blade tip pay out for players?
On Steam, one of two platforms Naraka: Blade tip can be played (the other being the PlayStation 5), the game has received very positive reviews. According to data from SteamDB, Naraka: Blade tip clocked a peak of 187,468 concurrent players.
On the one hand, many players praise the maneuverability, beautifully designed weapons and characters, and sound design of the Battle Royale in their reviews. On the downside, players find the game’s slow servers and the monetization of its wealth of downloadable content a source of anger. A balance of the reviews leads to a balance of mind, at least for gamers who are between the decision to try a new game. Without further ado, here is Naraka: Blade tip, limitless and unleashed judging by Steam reviews.