Talented players from Critical Role, virtual tabletop Roll20, and publishers of Dungeons & Dragons Wizards of Coast have released free-pen and adventure paper online. Quoted from Link Guide to Wildemount is now available to those stuck at home during the coronavirus outbreak.
"Roll20 & # 39; s mission has been to mobilize players everywhere, and we are working hard to continue this work as we recognize the global need to move their online sports circle," said Nolan T. Jones, Roll20's managing partner. "The critical role has been to unite and create millions of Dungeons and Dragons fans around the world, and we're thrilled to be offering their new gaming adventures so players will continue to expand their hobby."
Roll20 is one of the few D&D licensed content content platforms including live dice rolls, maps, and miniatures as well as digital character sheets. Players can use it to play pen and paper games on any platform that has a web browser.
The critical role is among the most popular "real gaming" experiences around, and often sells its live shows. Fans around the world, calling themselves "critics," come from thousands to watch the series on Twitch. And it is being converted into a cartoon, for streaming on Amazon Prime. Their D&D bond, Link Guide to Wildemount
For more on how to play this and other pen and paper RPGs online during coronavirus outbreaks, see our detailed guide on how to guide.