destiny 2 Players have been waiting for years for his giant magical alien orb to finally do something. Bungie rewarded nearly a decade of patience and passion for its wacky sci-fi epic with one on Thursday new incidence of light Fan this shows that the Traveler is actually doing something: literally firing its load.
Revealed during Sony’s latest state of affairsnext week’s expansion launch trailer showed large chunks of what’s likely to be incidence of light
If you have played determination At any point since its launch in 2014, you know what a big moment this is. If not, I’ll try to explain as quickly and painlessly as possible. determination Set in a post-apocalyptic future, a massive orb from another solar system called the Traveler hovers above the surface of the earth Resurrecting the dead and turning them into space cops.
Players have served the Orb for years now, playing the same missions over and over again in hopes of better understanding its power and purpose as dark forces from elsewhere in the galaxy attempt to invade and steal the Traveler’s power or destroy him. It is much work. And finally, finally, the traveler jumps up and tackles.
OK, that’s not entirely fair. At the beginning of destiny 2, the traveler got quite confused. Seasons later, it healed itself. And earlier this month, it left the surface join Earth orbit. And now, all tidy and fashionably late, it’s midnight and the traveler is ready to join the party. Can’t wait to find out if it’s secretly evil or not.