End the chaos at Tokyo Retailer over PS5 sales

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Screenshot:: @ tabata__97 / @ AJapaneseDream / YouTube

The PlayStation 5 was released last November, but months later it’s still difficult to grab one, especially in Japan. This morning the Yodobashi camera electrical megastore in Akihabara, one of the largest in the country, sold a huge shipment of PS5s. All hell broke loose.

People started pushing and shoving, stepping down on a yodobashi clerk who had a stack of an estimated 300 numbered tickets to buy the PS5.

Look at the mess:

The police were called and the sale was canceled.

Why is that happend? As Twitter AJapaneseDream points out that the Akihabara site appears to be just one of two yodobashi cameras in the Tokyo-Yokohama area that doesn’t require a retailer’s black credit card to purchase the hardware – a requirement apparently put in place to accommodate resellers thwart.

Additionally, unlike in the past, the store issued numbered tickets that came first, served first. In the past, the retailer also gave out raffle numbers for hardware purchases to prevent the console from flipping over.

This provided a perfect opportunity for those looking to get or even resell a PS5.

Remember that the Japanese government has currently declared a state of emergency for the novel coronavirus. Tokyo has the most cases in the country.

All tweets were used with permission.


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