All the time cook our way through the ongoing covid-19 epidemic from relative safety of our own kitchens, it would be easy to get into the habit of doing the same thing every night for the purpose of doing it. But chances are that even if you are bundled up with a life-long cell phone, you may have some stuff in your lap or tied to the bottom of your fridge that could it turned into bowls it is liberated from beyond the imagination of your mind.
Our Therese McPherson took it upon himself to make a real inspiration a loaf of breadincluding the (banana) wrap of leaves is a real kind of creative energy that we should all be getting closer to cooking these days. Check out her baking process and recipe in the video above and our suggestions on what you might be able to throw together at home below. Not everything on this list will impress you like a loaf of bread of course, it may be perfect – but what we want here is a living rather than a look.