McDonald’s new Grimace milkshake has caused a stir The whole movement revolves around treating the drink like a murder weapon from a Japanese horror game. Zoomer and other TikTok users pretended they died after slurping the purple goo, and now they’re pretending the Grimace Shake killed their favorite anime and gaming characters too.
It’s hard to figure out why any given moment in our absurd, for-profit culture becomes a lightning rod of memes and posts, but here we are McDonald’s commemoration of Grimace’s birthday. For those who don’t know, it’s the big purple guy literally just a humanoid taste bud, not a post-apocalyptic mutant formed from the irradiated wreckage of old Big Macs. And now his milkshake is taking over even the nerdy corners of the internet.
If there’s an infamous fatality in games, anime, or beyond, you can bet it’s now made even better and/or, depending on your perspective, tainted by the Grimace Shake meme. They’re a perfect collision of specialized fan history and complete breakdown of context:
I’m sure the Golden Arches couldn’t be happier. Does this whole meme make you thirsty? a company spokesman confirmed
Coincidentally, that’s how I would describe most video games. Grimace, on the other hand, has to fall back into online memory and take his nasty inventions with him.