encryption is full of twists, turns, and wild questions that celebrate games and the communities that spring up around them. It’s also a game designed for a definitive ending; Finally, you move on from that first table and card game to explore other parts of a mysterious digital world. The latest expansion, Kaycee’s Mod, is an endless run through the first – and most atmospheric – act, allowing players to endlessly enjoy Leshy’s c ard game. It’s a welcome return to the lumberjack’s shack, but more of a novelty than a new obsession.
In Kaycee’s Mod, the player has to go through Leshy’s deck of beasts and coins repeatedly. The deck builder was a popular element of the game as players progressed up different paths in a map, similar to Kill the tower
With this in mind, a player returning to Kaycee’s Mod has the chance to either come up with a clever strategy to break the game (e.g. refining their starting hand to always have a top-notch One-Blood Summon) or against the new pirate boss and harder-to-float encounters. This part of encryption is not fine-tuned and particularly balanced; But this single component is only part of what made the overall game truly excellent. While Kaycee’s mod makes some admirable balancing moves, the game’s most avid fans are already embarking on full-on challenges with absurd combos like ENDLESS BEES or absurdly powerful Skunks.
Coming back to Leshy’s game is comforting, especially after seeing how encryption ends. There is some additional lore hidden about GameFuna developer Kaycee’s journals, which are unlocked as you play through Endless mode.
Overall, Kaycee’s mod is more of a fun diversion than a true sequel encryption. It’s worth checking out if you’re feeling nostalgic, but if you’re happy with the ending to each writer’s story, then you’re safe to move on. It’s a fun toy to tinker with, though, and it’s a great excuse to sink back into the dark, mysterious atmosphere of the Lumberjack’s Cabin and rip my teeth out again and yell at the angler for his bullshit.