In the universe of JoJo’s bizarre adventure, the acclaimed anime adaptation of Hirohiko Araki’s long-running supernatural action-adventure manga series, are the undisputed heroes of the Joestar family. The Joestars, a family of superhumanly gifted martial artists, philanthropists, mafia dons, and marine biologists spanning more than six generations, are portrayed as an unambiguous collective force for good – against serial killers, megalomaniac vampires and all sorts of diabolical adversaries trying their respective ones To put corners of the world in order.
But the Joestar clan isn’t exempt from the anime’s long collective history of the bad fathers. Similar to Dragon ballis Goku, Hunter X Hunter‘s Went Freecss, or Full metal alchemistAt Van Hohenheim, the Joestars have their own fair share of absent or negligent fathers, with no fewer than five members of the extended Joestar family being conceived either from careless infidelity or the intricate machinations of DIO, the family’s long-time arch enemy.
But in the first 12 episodes of Stone ocean, the fifth season of the JoJo’s bizarre adventure
When Jolyne first meets her father shortly after she was incarcerated at Green Dolphin Street Prison, her immediate reaction is revulsion; Attacking a guard at risk of solitary confinement instead of speaking to him. While it is implied that Jotaro’s absence from Jolyne’s life was partly motivated by a desire to protect her, it’s not a great sight considering that Jotaro himself grew up without his own father for most of his life. And since there was no explanation in her childhood, Jolyne can’t help but look at her father with disdain, while Jotaro can’t help but come across as emotionally cold and aloof. Despite all the growth that Jotaro has enjoyed in the 22 years since the events of Stardust Crusader and Stone ocean, he still earned the bad father title. But while Josuke Higashikata, the protagonist of Diamond is unbreakable, more or less let his elderly father Joseph Joestar off the hook in return for never contacting his mother Tomoko again, Stone ocean forces Jotaro and his daughter to work together to survive and face the diverse emotional baggage created by Jotaro’s neglect as a parent. It’s a fascinating encounter that illustrates how persistent bad parenting and the habit of keeping secrets run through the Joestar family, and how consistently they undermine their best intentions.
Despite their hostility, Jolyne has to work with her father when the two are ambushed by Johngalli A, a former DIO student who orchestrated Jolyne’s imprisonment, to lure Jotaro out. And although she is steely in her attempt to escape, Jolyne clearly longs for Jotaro’s affection and appreciation. Here their fighting skills form a bridge that no words can: Jotaro is wounded and surprised by a second attacker, Palesnake, as he moves from Johngalli to Jolyne after an attack. With her standing skills, Jolyne is able to defeat Johngalli and appear to save her father’s life, although she can’t stop Palesnake from achieving his true goal of stealing Jotaro’s soul and standing ability. Faced with the possibility of escaping to freedom on her own, Jolyne instead decides to stay in prison and face the aftermath of her attempted prison break in order to find a way to restore Jotaro’s soul and consciousness to his body. It is a dramatic turning point for the series to face the bad blood between two Joestar family members, with Jolyne not forgiving Jotaro so much, but nonetheless acknowledging that nothing can be made amends between the two if she brings him into his death leaves. Despite his mistakes, Jotaro cares for and loves Jolyne in his own way, and Jolyne returns that love by deciding to make him whole again.
Stone ocean Doesn’t shy away from showing what Jolyne makes possible through the potential of a healthier relationship with her father. She quickly adjusts to her newfound powers as a booth user and becomes more confident and calm under pressure as she tries to track down Palesnake’s true identity and save her father. Spurred on by her goal to reconcile with her father, Jolyne grows up to be a heroic and resilient protagonist who is not dissimilar to her relatives in the Joestar family. If Jolyne manages to save her father’s soul and bring it back into his body, there may still be hope for her and Jotaro to formally reconcile and set a healthier example for the Joestar family in the future. At the very least, it might give them an opportunity to actually take advantage of family therapy – something that honestly the entire Joestar clan could probably benefit from.
Jojo’s bizarre adventure: Stone Ocean is available to stream on Netflix.