I wanted a new favorite Dragon Ball Z Kakarot a game, but I don't like it. The ratings are bad, the battle is not fun and the whole game feels like it's stuck. But I will continue to play as long as there are orbs to collect.
Collecting orbs for games is something I'd like to get into a lot more. I've played through it all Breakdown 2, almost entirely because of how fun it is to collect hidden agility and orbs. I'm also excited about the new Crackdown and spent hours collecting orbs in that game with me. Also DBZ Kakarot, I spend a lot of time just flying around collecting orbs. I will not stop. Someone help.
Green orbs, green orbs, red orbs, giant orbs, formation of orbs, orbs carved in time, unusual orbs, any orbs, actually. I need them all. Yes, Gohan is sure he needs my help, but he can wait. I found orbs to download.
There is just something so satisfying about finding a large area full of tons of orbs and collecting every last one of those little bastards. Even the noise they make when Goku or anyone catches them is pretty cool.
For starters, I found a large series of red orbs parked some way up the mountain. I tied myself a complete line in the beauty of the orbs and quickly went through the entire series, collecting one by one. It felt fantastic.
I remember my brother watching me play the original The crack and he ended up bothering me, wondering why I jump getting all the orbs instead of playing the whole game. My only response was because I had a deep desire to collect these orbs. I needed to do it. I did the same thing Saint & # 39; s Row IV, to collect all the blue stems dotted on the map. I'm having trouble. I know. I know.
When I see an orb, I need it.
At the very least, collecting orbs is a fun thing to do while completing the latest download that I have configured DBZ Kakarot.