Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machinaan Amazon animated series based on a years-old Dungeons & Dragons game was promised a second season back in 2019. It premiered during New York Comic Con 2022 and came with a release window: January 2023.
Critical Role is a real life gaming troupe formed in 2015 and led by Dungeon Master Matthew Mercer. He and his co-creators – Laura Bailey, Taliesin Jaffe, Ashley Johnson, Liam O’Brien, Marisha Ray, Sam Riegel and Travis Willingham – are all veteran actors with credits ranging from major motion pictures to popular video games. That Vox Machina Cartoon itself started out as a crowdfunding campaign, raising more than $11 million on Kickstarter in 2019 before being acquired by Amazon. Season 1 focused on a story familiar to fans and culminated in a battle against the powerful Briarwood vampires.
Mercer is currently leading the squad through a third season of the actual game D&D campaign. Follow premiere on twitch Thursdays at 10pm EST, with video-on-demand episodes arriving on YouTube the following week.