Locations of Rubber Armor in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Geralt of Sanctuary

Locations of Rubber Armor in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Armor, Kingdom, locations, Rubber, tears, Zelda

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the KingdomThe rubber armor The set is scattered throughout Hyrule and acquiring all of the pieces will take some time and spelunking. Each piece is hidden in a cave and guarded by some challenging monsters. So be sure to bring stamina and health recovery items, as well as a large supply of arrows.

However, the result is worth the effort. The rubber armor set reduces damage dealt by electricity and prevents you from receiving shock – key in your fight against beasts like the Thunder Gleeok. This is where you can find the Rubber Armor set Tears of the Kingdom.

Location of the rubber armor chest piece

You can get this rubber armor Early in the game, he suffered a chest splinter shortly after landing back in Hyrule for the first time. This part of the set is here Whistling Hill Cavea small cave system between Whistling Hill and Lake Kolomo, just north of the Teniten Shrine.

A map shows the location of the rubber armor set in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

You are specifically looking for this cave:

Link stares at a debris-blocked cave in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Use a hammer or bomb to unlock the entrance and enter. There is another cairn on your left. A few gems and two Electric Keese are behind it. Keep walking until the path turns into a chasm. Three Bokoblin skeletons rest below. Deal with it how you like. Note, however, that there is a bomb flower to your right, which will make the process a lot easier.

Link slides through a cave in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

The path will lead you to an open chamber. To your right is an alcove blocked by vines that contains a chest with one Traveler’s Shield. Grab this, then climb up the wall at the other end of the chamber. The road ahead is an incline with a like-like above. It spits out three large boulders in rapid succession, and hitting it with one removes many hearts.

Link walks down a tunnel looking for the rubber armor in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Wait for the last boulder to disappear, then quickly run up the incline. After that, you can safely ignore the like-like. It will continue to spit out rocks, but due to the structure of the chamber, they can’t actually reach you.

Smash the bricks inside to find some gems and grab the bombshell flowers on the wall. Destroy the stones blocking the way forward. The next chamber is full of puddles and an electric like-like awaits you at the other end. This one spits out several lightning balls, so make sure you stay away from the puddles.

Link fights an electric Like Like in a cave in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Wait for the Like-Like to reveal its red core, then shoot an arrow at that core. Equip your strongest weapon to make short work of the creature while it’s down. Blow up the wall behind it and grab the Rubber Armor chest piece from the chest, which grants shock resistance and +3 defense.

Link opens a chest with the rubber armor in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Position of the rubber armor headpiece

Obtaining the head piece requires a bit more effort, and depending on how much of the map you’ve explored so far, might also require a lot of legwork. The rubber helmet lies deep within the Sarjon Cave, which lies on the eastern edge of the Faron region. If you’ve already traveled to Faron, the quickest way to reach Sarjon Cave is to fast travel to Lakeside Stable (via Joju-uu Shrine) and then head northwest.

If not, unlock the Popla Foothills Skyview Tower, cook three or four meals that fully refill your stamina, and slide southeast off the tower. Here is the cave:

A map shows the location of the Rubber Armor headpiece in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

You are looking for the following:

Link is looking at an entrance to the cave containing the rubber armor headpiece in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

The cave is essentially an underground waterway, each section blocked by curtains of vines. The first few sections have side ledges where you can stop and recover your stamina.

Occasionally you will come across something electrical Terrible hanging on the roof. The best way to deal with this is to aim an arrow at her head and fire it. The Horriblins will fall into the water and drown. Connect a Keese Eyeball to the arrow if you’re having trouble aiming. Attach a Keese Eyeball to your arrow to give it a homing effect.

Link goes down a river in a cave in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

However, once you reach a larger chamber with some palm tree trunks, that’s your cue to build a raft. There are no heels from there, and even with an extra endurance bike, swimming isn’t going to make it to the end. Attach a fan to the back of your makeshift raft to increase speed.

Wearing rubber armor, Link rides a log down a river in a cave in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

You’ll sail through a few more chambers, each with a Horriblin or two, until you finally reach a rougher section with rapids that transition into a waterfall.

Link stares at a rubber armored bubble frog in a cave in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Make sure you attack the Bubbulfrog and get its Bubbul Gem. Then follow the path to a chamber where the rubber helmet – Grants +3 Defense on top of Shock Resistance – awaits you.

Link stares at a temple with a chest containing the rubber armor headpiece in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Destroy the bricks behind the chest to get some precious gems before you leave.

Position of the rubber armor legs

The rubber tights are in a cave in Horon Lagoon, which is east of Lanayru Reservoir. If you visited Apogek Shrine or Yomizuk Shrine, fast travel back there for easier access. You can also launch from the Upland Zorana Skyview Tower and glide east. Here you have to go:

A map shows the location of the rubber armor leg piece in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

And this is what your approach looks like from above:

Link falls into a lagoon on a glider while searching for the rubber armor in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

This cave is comparatively easier and less deadly than the others, although you’ll still need a stamina-restoring meal to get to the end, as well as a bomb flower that you can find inside

Slide down into the cave and swim until you reach a large rock. Stop there briefly to restore your stamina, then keep swimming.

Link swims toward a large rock in a river in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

The tunnel opens into a small chamber with another rock formation in the middle. The back half of the formation is covered in sharp stone spikes that damage you if you touch them. So don’t do that.

Link approaches a chest in a cave that contains the last piece of rubber armor in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

Swim forward and clear the way with a bomb flower. The chest with the rubber tightswhich grant +3 Defense and some Shock Resistance is in the next chamber.

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