Since 1969, Sazae-san it has been a flight in progress, making it not only Japan's longest anime but worldwide. The show is one of the few anime known to everyone in the world and enjoyed by young and old alike. But thanks to the novel coronavirus epidemic, production is now halting.
The beloved show follows a family-run downstairs with multiple seating under one room.
As Reuters Reports, reunits will start airing next week. The speaker says Sports Hochi that it is the first time that Sazae-san has been redistributed in forty-five years: aircraft recovery from February 2 and March 2, 1975 after the 1973 oil crisis.
Recording new episodes seems to be the hardest part of the process. Most actors are old and may not have the equipment or environment needed at home to program.
Each episode of Sazae-san usually connected to the time of the year and holidays, with the characters celebrating the seasons. The show always ends with Sazae-san playing paper-rock-scissors with viewers, so if you remember the episodes, this might be your chance to succeed!