When crossing the Nether Minecraft Players need to be careful as there is lava almost everywhere. One way to safely traverse the lava is to use a strider.
Striders are passive monsters that appear in the nether and can be mounted with saddles. Saddles cannot be crafted and are found in chests from bastions, dungeons, forts, villages and other structures around the world.
To control a strider, you need a warped fungus on a stick. These can be made by combining a fishing rod and a warped mushroom, the latter of which can be found in the Nether. The shelf life of the warped mushroom on a stick will decrease with use. So if you’re crossing a lot of lava at once, it might be a good idea to carry several on you.
Much like animals follow you when you hold up wheat or seeds, striders follow you when you hold up Warped Fungus. You can use it to lure them to you before assembling them.
Note that striders are extremely slow on land and suffer water damage. They are therefore mainly suitable for exploring large lava canyons in the Nether.