Now Cyberpunk 2077 Won’t Even Start For Disc-Owning PS4 Players

An image from Cyberpunk 2077 depicting a medic with the PlayStation logo for a head trying to resuscitate a PS4 copy of Cyberpunk 2077.

Come on, PS4 Cyberpunk 2077work with me here.
image: CD Projekt Red / Sony / Kotaku

Cyberpunk 2077‘s next gen version finally launched this week after months of delays. It’s pretty good if you’re on PlayStation 5, particularly because of the haptics, but the re-release also addressed myriad bugs with its massive 50 GB patch. Not everyone is enjoying the new update, though, as PlayStation 4 owners report the physical disc version of the game is totally busted.

Developer CD Projekt Red dropped patch 1.5 on Tuesday, which introduced additions (like new cosmetics for V) and improvements (such as tweaking NPC AI so that they’re a bit smarter). The game’s still missing some rather necessary content, including a New Game Plus mode, but Cyberpunk 2077‘s next-gen launch pushes the game closer to the state it should have been in at release. Unfortunately, while fixing some things, CDPR seems to have broken other things, including the PS4 disc version.

ReadMore: Cyberpunk 2077‘s Next-Gen Update Is A Pain On PlayStation

According to users all over the internet, from Twitter to the developer’s official forum pagesthe physical version of Cyberpunk 2077 on every iteration of the PS4 continuously brings up launch errors. PS4 owners who’ve installed patch 1.5 say they’ve encountered corrupted data messages when attempting to start the game, with the nearly 10-year-old system asking them to delete the application, insert the disc again, and reinstall the game. However, this series of steps doesn’t appear to fix the start-up problems.

“After installing [the update] on my PS4 Pro, I get the message that the game file is corrupted,” user Gabidu wrote on CDPR’s forums. “I already deleted the file and reinstalled, deleted my saves and recreated the PS4 database through safe mode, but the problem persists.”

A screenshot from Cyberpunk 2077 depicting cybernetic doctor Vicktor staring at a monitor of some kind.

PS4 owners patiently waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 to work.
Screenshot: CD Projekt Red

“I wanna cry,” wrote one Twitter user. “This is the second time receiving this [corrupted data message while] trying to play Cyberpunk 2077 since the patch. PS4 disc users apparently are screwed.”

CDPR global community director Marcin Momot posted on the developer’s forums page that the studio is aware of the issue and is investigating solutions. It’s unclear what’s causing these launch errors for the PS4 disc version of Cyberpunk 2077, but it’s not the only platform experiencing problems, either. Momot added that CDPR is looking into crash issues on PC, which he said are likely caused by audio software conflicts. As such, Momot suggested PC users disable audio drivers before launching the game. Such a temporary fix currently doesn’t exist for PS4 users yet.

ReadMore: a year later, Cyberpunk 2077‘s Major DLC Continues To Be MIA

It’s a bummer. The game was busted for months after launch. It was so busted that Sony pulled Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation store for six months, and even when it did return, the game still had issues. It makes you wonder when, if ever, Cyberpunk 2077 wants to reach a stable state.

igamesnews has reached out to CD Projekt Red for comment.


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