If you want to be able to shop anywhere Crossing the Animals: New Horizons On the switch, you can open the Nook Shopping app for your Nook Phone.
To do this, you need to buy 100 items with the Nook purchase machine at Residence Services. The Nook Shopping app only works as a machine, but you can use it anywhere on your island.
You can only order five items a day, but you can send each friend 2 items a day, which makes grinding 100 easy. You can track how close you are to 100 items by checking out “Buy!” A Nook Mileage Achievement. When you send gifts to friends to help strengthen your numbers, it will also contribute to the achievement of the "Popular pen Pal," which is a nice addition.
You can open this app while using other islands for other players, but you can order anything from the app while you're away from your island. (This, however, is useful for testing to see if you have something in your catalog.) You can still order items from the app while you're on Mystery Island Tours.
<div class = "c-shoppable c-shoppable – has-image" data-anthem-complication = "1510439" data-cid = "site / shoppable-1585932233_3847_11270" data-cdata = "{" anthem_component_id ": 1510439," title ":" Change Lite "," chorus_asset_id ": 19829549," url ":" https://www.target.com/p/nintendo-switch-lite-turquoise/-/A-77419248 "," seller ":" Target "," price ":" $ 199.99 "," description ":"
Nintendo switchch consoles are usually sold out, but you can still pick up a hand-held Shints Lite, suitable for mobile games.
"," entry_id ": 20971075," image_url ":" https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/91WYvI4lp2SnBvaa-1szvKJwqk0=/1000×0/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/5919019 .jpg "," anchor_id ":" switchch_Lite-1510439 "}">
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