surveillance 2 gets a new limited-time game mode that infuses seven of the game’s heroes with hilarious god-like powers, allowing Widowmaker to turn her enemies to stone and Roadhog to become a giant, rock-throwing Cyclops. The Battle for Olympus free-for-all deathmatch mode runs from January 5th to 19th over watch 2confirmed Blizzard on Tuesday.
The trailer for surveillance 2
In the trailer, we see some intriguing new powers, like the Squire Queen, who summons lightning when she performs her Ultimate Rampage, and Pharah, who moves freely – and heals! – Mid-Barrage Ultimate. Other tweaked abilities hinted at in the trailer include Lúcio, who stuns an opponent with his Soundwave (aka “Boop”), and Ramattra, who uses his Ravenous Vortex to lift enemies off the ground.
One more detail from the trailer: there appear to be armor packs repurposed by old Torbjörn scattered throughout Château Guillard, and they differ from standard health packs, but their purpose is unclear.
The Battle for Olympus mode will also bring a change to the Ilios map. The character who gets the most eliminations during the event will get their own marble statue on the Greek map.
surveillance 2 is in the midst of its second season of content, which runs through February. The game’s next event is Lunar New Year 2023, which takes place from January 17th to February 6th.