Panzer Corps 2: Kotaku Review

Geralt of Sanctuary

Panzer Corps 2: Kotaku Review

Corps, Kotaku, Panzer, Review

First Panzer Corps, released back in 2011, is one of the games of all time on PC. It's timeless and a great library of additional content, it's still a lot of fun today, of course The 2020 succession has a lot to prove, and much more to be allowed.

Panzer Corps 2 is your old hexagonal form of support strategy, the second largest issue of its kind six months ago in the background Unity of Command II. While leaning too much largely influenced by the 1994 type definition Panzer General, or anyone who has played anything from Fire Cone in order XCOM they will know their way around the basics of Panzer Corps.

It's kind of frozen in time, which I've seen some people criticize when it comes to this game, but I don't mind at all. There's a reason that the two games I just mentioned have started on the battlefield, with things like relationships, looting and death, because the basic kind of tactics based on repentance are so old and proven (millennials and counting!) you don't really need to do much about it

With reference to the use of that provision for World War II, Panzer General designed a tabletop warp and was almost completely made, then it was too long for the teeth Panzer Corps come in and repeat the feat. Now it is Panzer Corps 2 & # 39; s turn to bring that same trend into the 2020s, and for the most part its doing a good job.

In Panzer Corps 2 & # 39; s the campaign, the backbone of the game, plays the General given the task of building an army and then taking it throughout the Second World War, from Poland to France to North Africa to Russia and beyond. In each battle your units receive more information and can be upgraded, and at points you are given the opportunity to choose your campaign path, which can lead to different battles and outcomes.

That's exactly what you both did Panzer General and Panzer Corps, though, so it's one of the things that helps set this new game apart from the massive image breakdown. It's now a very interesting game of its kind on PC, with full 3D units roaming the map, turning its keys and exploding smoothly. Indeed the entire screen, from the look to the custom paint patterns you can give to each unit, explodes in color and vibration, which I really enjoy in games like this where everything I do 90% of the time is mapped.

Another big change, at least with coming to my humorous mind of old games, is the degree to which the units are different from each other. In Panzer Corps 2 there is you're crazy the units are varied, have tanks that count in value, and all have very different stats. Other variations of the same tank it might be good for combating infant burns, some attacking armor, and this is difficult to keep track of but is also very important.

Send the wrong tank against the wrong enemy unit to the right place and it can be toast. But to find the right one, when you look at everything in common, it takes a lot of trial and error (thankfully, in many cases) Panzer Corps 2 it has a high-reset button). It can be very frustrating to wrap up your opponent with weapons, get into vulnerable children and find out specific model of Panzer III sent it is useless at work.

Panzer Corps 2

After Quote Box

A chance to hear Arnold Schwarzenegger give you mission presentations

kind of game

Plans are based on repentance


It’s a fantastic combination of puzzle-like engagement with strategic directional depth


In the final journey is bullshit. The system layout feels kinda broken

release date

March 19, 2020


About 45 hours, you complete the campaign once. I'm back around and now I'm about to go for my second race, taking on all the different tasks in a branch campaign.

When you make your head aware of that, however, you will start working to make this a great game, and such advances are in many ways more than your predecessor. Vice versa Unity of Command, or otherwise by volunteering to follow it, Panzer Corps 2 Sometimes you can feel more like a puzzle game than a one-way strategy, as you slide your specified units onto a map that looks to block and exploit weaknesses in the opponent's previous range.

Here is just what I follow in these types of experiences. Unity of Command I felt a little and it's like a puzzle game, without the scale or freedom I enjoy in WW2 tactical games (Order of War to do this well, for example), however Panzer Corps 2 you get the balance right. It is enough different units to be truly defeated by different tactics, but once the enemy encounters it is still a small challenge to figure out which way to break them. And then when you have already bruised them, there is the joy of finding open space behind them to the satisfaction of others wrapping and nailing.

Not that Panzer Corps 2 reveals this in its early hours. Your original development through Poland and France is a walkthrough, simple battles on small maps as you learn the ropes against weak opposition. Once you've hit North Africa and Russia, the game starts to get brighter. These mid-war campaigns, as well as the wars in Italy, were almost completely equal, and it was a complete blast to cross my path.

Sadly, the campaign is on the rise very soon. Panzer Corps 2 & # 39; s The campaign is designed to be more difficult as you go, regardless of the quality or nature of your opposition, and the game stops trying to defeat you with a plan and simply hides loads of powerful units to quicken you through your most exposed moments.

This makes completing the final maps a matter of learning AI writing rather than responding to biological techniques, which is a huge shame, because in the final journey of a game like this – similar to its predecessor it involves a great one historical what-if- it used to be very interesting. Here, however, they are largely bullshit.

Few of them, however, this didn't seem to me at all. The campaign type of campaign means that retaliation can get you a huge number of new maps to play each time, and there is one-Off conditions you can also play with an editor, so a few hardware upgrades are not a deal breaker in the grand scheme of things.

And as is often the case with strategy games on PC, and in this genre in particular, I expect that in the coming months and years we will see more content content. Panzer Corps 2, extending the action to new theaters and gives us different groups to play with. Which in the long run they can do this campaign & # 39;s bungled the end not the end altogether.

Panzer Corps 2 there is much to live for, both because of the preceding success but also the fact that they do not publish Slitherine have a competing series, Order of War, which has already been upgraded to much of that Panzer Corps you did it.

This path is enough to make excuses for its own good standing, finding a comfortable place among its rivals & # 39;contributions. I'm used to playing a game like this in my spare time, too I'm pretty sure this is it I'll be playing too much over 2020.

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