Sony Interactive Entertainment has sacked George Cacioppo, a senior vice president in its engineering department, after allegedly appearing on a YouTube video of pedophile stitches.
Youtube channel People vs. PredsA vigilante group, who streamed the encounter on Friday, is performing amateur stabbing operations to uncover suspected predators. Cacioppo is accused of inviting a 15-year-old boy for sex via Grindr and texting, according to People vs. Preds. Sony said CNET On Sunday, Cacioppo was “terminated from the employment relationship”.
According to his information, Cacioppo worked for Sony on the PlayStation Network LinkedIn profile. He had been with the company for more than eight years prior to his resignation. The People vs. Preds video shows a cameraman approaching a house in the dark while Cacioppo, wearing a PlayStation 5 t-shirt and allegedly standing outside. When the cameraman confronts the man, he goes back into the house and closes the door. People vs. Preds has also released chat transcripts where Cacioppo appears to invite a person pretending to be a 15 year old to engage in sexual activity.
A representative from People vs. Preds said Kotaku that she handed evidence to the police after publicly posting the video. “The police do not work with ‘cyber groups’ like us,” said the representative. “The Internet takes over.”
Sony did not respond to Polygon’s request for comment.