Since we started Unraveled back in September 2018There was one subject I swore I would never cover: Pokémon Edibility.
It wasn’t that I was scared of the subject. I have cooked every recipe in Breath of the wild. I have Read any Halo novel. I have perfected the PokéRap. At this point, terrible research in video game history is getting me out of phase. But I’ve always seen Pokémon edibility as trodden ground. In order to lots Articles devote to the concept of eating Pokémon, and I didn’t think people needed another theoretical video on the subject.
But today is my last day at Polygon and this is my last Unraveled. I’ve had hundreds of requests for a video about the edibility of Pokémon, and I would never experience rest if I didn’t dig into this topic, regardless of the cost.
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