Pokémon Go& # 39; Abra Community Day takes place April 25 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in your local area.
Community Day will last for six hours instead of the usual three, and Abra will download in bulk, which means you don't have to leave the house. Shiny Abra will again disperse during the event.
How do I get Shiny Abra?
As Abra will explode everywhere, just tap every Abra you see until you find Shiny. You'll find one soon, as the Shiny Rate on Public Days has been increased to about 24.
What special initiative does Alakazam learn about?
Converting Abra into Alakazam during the event will teach you to move the fight type Separator. While this is not good for attacks, this is a good move to KNOW to know PvP battles.
How do I fully implement this Community Day?
All Stardust hosting Pokémon will be tripled, so use Star Piece to find out more. The event is also wrapping up with a Buddy Up event, so you'll also get a double XP for Pokémon appearances. Pop a Luck Egg, and replace all the Abra you get with the XP load. Abra costs only 25 sweets to appear, so it's an easy way to cash in on incoming events.
Alakazam with Confusion and Psychic he is an excellent psychic-type attacker, only falling behind Deoxys and Mewtwo.