Okay, so … Disadvantages of Living 3Safe rooms are safe. The sanctuary of the game's safe rooms – just as it was Resident Evil 2 – he will be limited to Nemesis, even though he will be able to break doors to get Jill Valentine.
The confusion started after Official Xbox Magazine explained meeting the Nemesis in a room with a progressive typewriter, said the editor. It was a mistake with a safe room, but obviously there would be a reference to "music" and elsewhere to find out where and how safe it is.
A Capcom lawyer confirmed to Polygon that Nemesis would not be able to access secure rooms. And now we can all breathe a sigh of relief. Nemesis, a hulking bioweapon now capable of using a flame, it is it is scary, but there will be repetition. I think I just heard the whole internet let out a sigh.
An Xbox Magazine official said there would be "more confirmation" next week about "how big the Nemesis threat is on Disadvantages of Living 3. ”Spoiler alert! I think she's very pretty.
Disadvantages of Living 3 will be released on April 3 on PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One. I don't expect to be chased by Nemesis – but definitely not in a safe room!
Resolution: GamesRadar + and Official Xbox Magazine have released a fix that Nemesis actually can't break into safe rooms. This article has been updated to reflect that information.