When developer Wilhelm Nylund shared a video about the upcoming one Haste: Shattered Worlds It blew up almost immediately on Twitter earlier this week. The preview has since received nearly 1 million views, as well as thousands of retweets and likes. However, much of the ongoing conversation involves requests HurryThe speed and dynamic of could be replicated in a much larger game: Sonic Frontiers.
“Better sound as sound” said Samuel Molinaa Spanish designer currently working on it StarCitizen at Cloud Imperium Games.
“[W]ild that indie developers are doing better [Sonic] Game than the company that made [Sonic] for 31 years” said another Twitter user“but not very surprising either.”
“You have the perfect video for sound to annoy fans.” said a third.
Hurry is currently under development Landfall Gamesthe swedish company behind hits like Absolutely accurate combat simulator and cluster truck. Nylund, the studio’s CEO and designer, narrates my box the Hurry is a racing game in which a large group of players is crushed in several rounds, almost like a battle royale. The video, uploaded early Wednesday morning, shows the first of several playable characters slated for launch.
Even though Hurry seems to take more inspiration from Momentum-based games – you think tribes, Tiny Wingsand counterstrike surf maps– Nylund understands why sound came up so many times in response to his video. Sega built the Blue Blur’s initial reputation on being faster than its competitors (i.e. Nintendo and its relatively clumsy Mario
“I can definitely understand why people are making the comparison,” Nylund said my box via direct message. “That sound Franchise seems to be the first thing that comes to mind when the concept of running incredibly fast pops up.”
As funny as Hurry sees, this reaction also includes the general disappointment with what we saw Sonic Frontiers until now. Early recordings showed a mild “open zone
“I take those comments as a huge compliment!” said Nylund. “It’s incredibly cool to know that we’ve created something that seems to capture people’s imagination of speed so strongly.”
Haste: Shattered Worlds recently entered full steam development, but Landfall Games is accept registrations for a future multiplayer alpha if you’re interested in trying it out soon.