Disney Plus” new computer-animated Star Wars series, The bad batchcontinues the trend of the interconnected galaxy. The 70-minute premiere, “Aftermath,” begins with the title clone soldiers, known for their mutations and enhancements, who face each other during and after the events of a changing galactic order Revenge of the Sith. But with just a few scenes, the effect of the show extends further into the future.
[Ed. note: The rest of this story contains spoilers for The Bad Batch episode 1.]
In their opening battle, the Batch Agents move on to the tragic backstory of Jedi Padawan Caleb Dume, who, while only a minor character in the series’ story, turns out to be the leading actor, as fans of other animated Star Wars characters know. Caleb survives the Jedi Assassination Order 66 and becomes Kanan Jarrus, the teacher of the young Padawan Ezra Bridger Star Wars rebels.
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The bad batch The scenario fits Kanan’s backstory as it is spoken Rebels: Clone soldiers shoot Depa as he runs away. But the show too reconfigured and overwrites the extensive canon in Marvel 2015-2016 Star Wars: Kanan Comics written by Rebels Writer Greg Weisman with art by Pepe Larraz. A planet called Kaller remains the location of Kanan’s tragedy, even though it was not covered in snow and the narrative omits its interaction with the Kallerian civilization. Comic book readers will notice major adjustments to the Caleb Dume / Kanan Jarrus background.
Caleb’s relationship with clones
By the time the Bad Batch appears on the screen, Caleb has established a relationship with Wrecker, the group’s muscle. But the story of the former with other clone mates is missing. A key element of the Law
On the screen, Captain Gray was last kicked unconscious by Billaba. Interestingly, in the Marvel Comics, Gray and Styles continue their hunt for Caleb, then Gray battles his brain chip enough to have a moment of tearful clarity and sacrifices himself and Styles to allow Caleb to escape.
Caleb gets a new job
The is in eight distinctive panels Law The comic featured Caleb cutting off his padawan braid and adopting a ponytail to hide. It was the abandonment of his Jedi identity and a rite of passage into a life of crime. CGI-ed Padawan Caleb is already wearing a small ponytail.
Where is the holocron?
Before Order 66 is carried out in the comic, Caleb was sitting comfortably by the fireplace and playing with his master’s latest gift: a Jedi holocron, a cubic data container. The holocron omission feels garish because it matters Rebels. It features Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Warnholo instructing surviving Jedi to stay away from the temple. It later falls into Maul’s hands (long story) and is used to track Kenobi on Tatooine.
Caleb was next to his master
The Bad Batch accidentally brushes Caleb away from his master’s impending execution. But in the comic, he’s right next to Billaba when she orders him to run. The television production is less violent. Billaba, who is beheading a soldier and forcing Caleb to knock down his own friends, is omitted. Nor does she yell, “I’ll be right behind you,” a threatening line echoed in Rebels.
If Caleb doesn’t show up again The Bad batchPresumably there is scope for him to live the rest of the backstory of the 12-issue comics: Caleb starts over under the direction of Kalleran Janus Kasmir, which would be years before he would team up with rebel Hera Syndulla in John Jackson Millers 2014 A new dawn Novel, the prequel too Rebels and the first Star Wars novel under Disney’s canon.
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