Due to Cancellation of South by Southwest festival festival (SXSW) earlier this year, Amazon Prime Video and SXSW teamed up to launch a digital film festival earlier this month.
The new, digital event states that "Prime Video presents the SXSW 2020 Film Festival Collection" and gives filmmakers the opportunity to submit their film for filming. The event is exclusive to Prime Video, but is free to all viewers – no Amazon Prime membership required. The duo is looking to set up a 10-day, one-time event in late April, though there is no concrete date.
Participating participants will receive funding to explore Amazon's right to show their movie to the world. SXSW is already sharing details with movie makers, who now have access to an online event. Amazon and SXSW have not provided an agreed movie list.
Amazon Studio head, Jennifer Salke, said this in conjunction:
We were honored to be able to provide space for SXSW filmmakers to share their passion and love with the audience for the first time. It was a privilege to work with Janet Pierson and the SXSW team to bring these diverse and inspiring films to viewers across the country. We are supporters of SXSW and other independent film festivals, and we hope that this online film festival can help bring some of that back to the show, and showcase artists and films that viewers would not otherwise have had the opportunity to see.
SXSW used to make a variety of films earlier this year, showing both upcoming films and books. The SXSW 2020 Planning including David Lowery & # 39; s The Green Knight with Dev Patel, Alicia Vikander, and Joel Edgerton, and Judd Apatow's latest film starring Petee Davidson: King of Staten Island. Others SXSW Managers 2019 & # 39; s installed Bookmart, Beach Bum, again It's at noon for pets.
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