The best games that let you kill robots and AI assisted monsters
A screenshot of a green robot wandering through a wasteland in Fallout 76.

Picture: bethesda

Long after the world burned down and civilization collapsed, the robots of Stand out continue to work. Centuries after Earth was nearly destroyed by nuclear weapons and humanity is struggling to survive, the AI-controlled robots from mankind’s heyday roam the wasteland, still getting the job done.

Some might say they are impressively committed. I think it just goes to show how stupid and terrible these robots are. They can’t even say the world ended, they just mindlessly do what they were programmed to do. They cannot create art, invent anything, or really bring any benefit to mankind, because they are merely tools created by us.

And in Stand out, they are not only idiots still trying to evict the restaurants after the nuclear weapons fell, but also dangerous enemies. Their AI-powered brain is unable to understand context, history, or emotion and attacks most people immediately. Ironic, isn’t it, that robots and AI in the Stand out The universe could end up killing us all and destroying everything we have created, even though they are our own creations? Anyway, grab a laser gun and double tap on any robotic brains you see Fallout 3 They earn it. — Zack Zwiezen

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