A genre of 1998 animated film The Prince of Egypt, an adaptation of the Book of Exodus, was finally opened in London on February 5. After running the TheaterWorks Silicon Valley, two productions in Denmark, and in Utah, the musical was revised extensively before opening at the Dominion Theater in the West End. Although the actual event is on May 31, new product recordings are now available to listen on Spotify and should be listened to. It's more than a movie adaptation with one person; it builds on the relationships established in the movie, and it also offers a lot of Stephen Schwartz's beauty.
While the music follows the same story as the film, there are a few new songs – and all written by Schwartz – that emphasize the relationship between Moses and Ramses as they move from the brothers to mortal enemies and bring back themes from "All I Ever Want" and "Release" to the rest of the show. missing; "Playing With Big Guys," originally performed by Steve Martin and Martin Short, is shortened and wrapped in "Plagues."
In an interview with Polygon, Brenda Chapman, one of the directors of the original film (which was not the most successful animated film at the time), said the purpose behind the film was to make something for everyone to see.
"At the time, we were trying to make films that didn't feel like children," said Chapman. “We wanted to say that we could act out a movie not just when parents throw their children into the theater they used to do, or use them as abusers. We wanted to do something that reached many adults. ”
Listen to the new album below: