In 1999, the anime Digimon Adventure A controversy erupted in Japan and North America, pulling the big-haired Ti, Sonia Matt, and their digital animal counterparts into the world. The Franchise is reportedly more inspired Tamagotchi there is a similar Pokémon series – the digimon is based on small devices that allow players to interact with and care for one digital animal – but the anime, which appeared two years later Pokémon, settling him down as the direct competitor of the popular animated series.
In time, Digimon AdventureThe bullets grew, and entered high school (Digimon The Dig adventure., starting from 2015-2018) and moving into adulthood (Digimon Adventure: The Last Resurrection Kizuna in February 2020). Now, but the hands of the clock are moving forward. 2020 and marks the beginning of Digimon Adventure:, a reboot of the 1999 series broadcast on Crunchyroll as it was released in Japan. Tai and company are back, but they're kids again, and now they're living with a new set of digital ads.
Original series, directed by Mamoru Hosoda (The Girl Who Walks In Time, Mirai), transporting "DigiDestined" children from the real world to an island full of monsters. The reboot, directed by Masato Mitsuka, brings them into the Internet, which, in the last two episodes so far, is replaced by a lot of empty space and blue-covered blocks. (Think Tron
What’s shocking about the new series is how fast it goes. It doesn't sound like an online reboot that aims to entice more people to the Franchise. Digimon Adventure: it plays the songs as fast as possible, packing buttons for its nostalgia fans. Like their Pokémon counterparts, Digimon grows through Digivolution, turning into giant, powerful monsters, from In-Training to Rookies, and then Champions, Ultimates, and Megas. The first series spent several episodes Digivolving monsters one by one. The restart has Agumon, Tai's partner, having beaten his Champions title in the first episode, and when Matt was introduced, his Digimon was already at Champion's level. The second episode introduces the more powerful Digivolution that the original anime only reaches in the second movie, which takes place after the series.
In other words, Digimon Adventure: it hits the forward button. It makes the stats that kids interact with are so high, and it forces Digimon to come out faster to accept that change. That move raises the question of where the series is now supposed to go, as the amazing engine of the original series is used very quickly. The idea of covering new ground instead of rearranging old events is exciting, though Digimon Adventure: has not yet formed the basis for that kind of growth.
In continuation, the series has yet to reveal more about its broadcast. The three kids who got screen time now – Tea, Matt, and Izzy whiz – are defined by broad features, and any investment that viewers have for their success is largely based on the things they are trying to protect, rather than the characters themselves. The reboot relies on viewers getting acquainted with the original series and thus managing their emotional ties to the characters. Digivolutions' chase, perhaps to reach new monsters, also suggests that it's more about showing viewers something new, rather than showing them something that comes out completely and truly re-invented.
The way the internet is interpreted is the oldest aspect of the show in that respect. Though the blue boxes and lines drawn in the latest Digimon video games were, by far, the worst of the games, and, arguably the only way to try to isolate the digital digital realm in Pokémon's fantasy world. The latest Digimon games, which deal with similar themes about hacking and cyberterrorism, are very entertaining when they allow players to return to the real world, because the amount of data that comes in, say, Tokyo's revenge is unparalleled. In contrast, while digital monsters are good, the large empty spaces in the digital world are simply soft. The internet feels empty and vacant compared to the forests and villages the original series featured, and compared to the imagined online offers of films like Ralph Breaks the Internet
Although it is good for Tai to come back, there is no incentive to focus on the relationships that made the original series compelling, and the speed with which the ghosts pass through their Digivolutions makes overloading seem inevitable. How are we made to know these characters, real and digital alike, when they never let go? Once we know how big the first two episodes of the series have done, finding time to slow down and develop these characters will be important things to look out for as the show progresses.
Hosoda made Digimon a formidable anime by holding back, and not just his Pokémon rival, by making the act provide for the child-friendly relationship between them and Digimon. Mitsuka, who worked on it Digimon Fusion, the 2010-2011 series with new characters, has steps down pat. But let him go further Digimon Adventure:, at least in its early stages, it lacks the character of both characters in terms of the world in which they occur, and the characters themselves.
New episodes of Digimon Adventure: are run by subtitles in Crunchyroll every Saturday.
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