Conclusion 2Dawn's season is only three weeks away, and players know very little about the next season of the game. But after Desiny 2In a normal weekly reset on Tuesday, the game started showing players a short cut involved Osiris and Warmind, Rasputin. The cutscene doesn't offer much in the way of the story, but it does seem to suggest that the two characters will go looking Desiny 2Next season.
The cutscene begins with the shy Vanguard leader, Osiris, entering Rasputin's room. Rasputin is Warmind, the most powerful computer on Mars created by humans during the Deliny universal Golden Age. Some people believe that Rasputin was responsible for the fall of that Golden Age, and based on the cutscene, Osiris is one of them.
Osiris raises his weapon and calls Rasputin an "old man." He walks around under the gun, pointing a gun at the Rasputin control panel. Osiris blames AI for being a killer, a betrayer, and a thug. Finally, Osiris says the galaxy is separated from light and dark, and angrily asks Rasputin what side he is fighting for.
Osiris and Rasputin have been their main focus Conclusion 2The first two interpretations – The curse of Osiris and Warmind, respectively. But in Season 10, which might be called the Season of Rights, it looks like these characters will finally share the screen.
By knowing what the players will actually do Conclusion 2Season 10, not sure. However, it seems very likely that the Trials of Osiris mode is back. Bungie will likely reveal more details about the Launch Season over the next few weeks, before it hits live servers on March 10.