The escapeThe contact wheel is a great platform where players are not allowed to voice chat, but Blizzard makes it even more powerful, allowing players to customize that wheel with various new voice lines.
Previously, that wheel allowed players to talk about things like "My is finally ready," "Group up", and "Understand." The options were very limited. The game's director Jeff Kaplan said in a new video the development update has been added voice commands to the wheel, including the option to say things like "Fall back," "goodbye", and frequency requested "Sorry." Helpful voice commands such as "3-2-1", and "Press target" are also available, Caplan said. It also helps that hearing "I need treatment" eight times in a row, Genji.
Kaplan claimed all 32 The escape heroes with new vocal cords – 26 options in total – can be added to the communications wheel, which was renewed as part of a pledge issued to the public intelligence servers on Thursday.
Another change is coming The escape include patch notes for the game client itself, and many updates to the workshop and custom games. The full notes now available on PTR can be viewed on Blizzard & # 39; s The escape forum.
The escape available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One.
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