Blizzard is finally releasing great content The World of War extension The battle of Azeroth today. Players have come a long way since the early days of the expansion, when dinosaurs and pirates fought in the new continents of Zandalar and Kul Tiras. In Ideas for ProcessZoth, adventurers will travel to each other via lovecraftian againZoth. To fight him and the head of his deception, they will need to enter the newly emerged state of madness, the Black Empire.
Earlier, players once voiced their loyalty to Old Gods throughout the expansion with an Eye of the roadZoth, a custom item that looks like a giant, spooky eye on the player's head. Only those with the Eye of Zoth are able to recognize the other characters through the Eye of the Zoth, and create a truly private community among those who know.
While others enjoy laying low in the depths of a miserable city Ash, some players are asking why this event is being shared in a content forum. The entire continent of Cthulhu-style horror is a rich place to expand. The World of War
The idea of augmentation of God has long been mentioned "often" in Blizzard, according to lead accountant Steve Danuser.
"People love Old Gods, and it's really cool," Danuser told Polygon in a phone interview. “But as we look The battle of Azeroth in particular, we heard (storyZoth) storyline blends well with this expansion. "
Of course, BibleZoth has been extending this since day one. He has appeared on Warbringer animated shorts preceding the expansion; we find headless fishermen Kul Tiras; and one for The most important characters of Zandalar he was always flexible. While The battle of Azeroth marketed as an escalation of the war focused on the Horde against the Alliance, it was always clear that this Zoth was behind, pulling spooky cords.
"Even though people love the idea, and it's so beautiful, it doesn't change to something that you can build with all the expansion," Danuser said. “SomethingZoth is a scary story. It's a great story. And many of the most successful horror films or books about the monsters give you a monster very little, and in very deliberate ways. If you've been surrounded by Old Gods all the time, 24/7, playing every month, it probably isn't that shocking. Maybe not good. ”
With 8.3 being the final pool before the release of The Land of War ”subsequent increase, Shadowlands, Azeroth warriors can be hanged in the Dark Kingdom for a few months. It's just a ton of teasing and crushing throughout The battle of Azeroth.
One of those threads was Zenzele's Eye. The Adventureers who played the Eye were not just in the spooky club, they also sounded a murmur from our very own. This was the second player choice in the Azeroth War,
For the other players, the expansion wasn't about the Horde and the Alliance, but instead they had to get on the Old God train to worship Zoth. The eye was a testament to their honesty, something that has been marking their characters for months. This ends at 8.3; Zoti's eye will not move forward Shadowlands.
Danuser said the Zotho Eye has never been designed to be an integral part of the character's inner story. "The Saurfang and Sylvanas elections were very important to the story, and the context of what your character believes," he explained. "It was a way for you to express which side your character wants to continue."
But while Saurfang and Sylvanas both symbolize seemingly immovable ideas, the Old Gods want to devour everything that is real. "At the end of the day, we have to do something about their presence," Danuser said. "We won't let your character go without being caught or anything like that."
The band knows that the Old Gods are popular, which is why Eye of HoodZoth has added flavor and mystery. But there is no quick pull and try to keep it, or aim for the ancient Azeroth-ruled Gods in any sensible way. It looks like Patch 8.3 may be the end of Old Gods for some time.
"Keep in mind that KnowledgeZoth is not a food chain of his own," Danuser said. “In addition to the Old Gods there is a voyage as one of the six great powers of the universe that defines our universe.”
Those the six forces of space there is Light, disorder, death, shade, order, and life. As The World of War progress, we learn more about that power of heaven and earth, and we begin to unlock the secret of the universe. Shadowlands is set to explore a new plane of existence after life. Danuser described the cosmic map as "part of the road," and Zoth-level energy will still play.
While we will be getting an extension on the topics made for them, today The World of War the boat will allow both the Horde and the Alliance to take you out with the Great God and his servants. That may be the end of the ZenzeleZoth road, but as it is The World of War fans know, killing a single boss doesn't usually solve big problems. There is always some stretching, and some looting is bad to fight. The World of War it goes a long way in pulling the bad guys from real-time Strategy Warsters games, and more into building massive cosmic powers to fight. It is a strange, mysterious, and probably very focused move on this subject Shadowlands.