YouTuber Allen Pan has stepped up the treadmill on his PlayStation 4 to play Surprising Death. And it's supported Pan's 15-minute video, it works exactly as you think it should.
Being a game about mobility, Pan wanted to design a controller to play Surprising Death the way it was "meant to be played." Under the adjustment of his new year's fitness adjustment, Pan found a broken road and made the DualShock 4 compatible.
When Pan moves at high speed, Surprising DeathSam's bridges also began to move. And when Pan starts to run, the tile assistant interprets it as clicking on the left icon, and then Sam gets to work – the achievement is achieved. To take out the instrument, Pan connected the PS4 controller (left-hand group) and a bag tied behind the lab – to keep the player upright as they ran.
With his app created, the second half of the video shows the active treadmill controller. Each of Pan's friends take turns, using one of the game's first functions. Both players make it over four minutes, trading out after being too tight. And while the team was able to successfully deliver their first package, things did not go wrong when Sam ran his first group of BTs.
Pan's design looks a bit too boring to play, but it's really fun to watch it from a distance. Also Surprising Death Director Hideo Kojima and star Norman Reedus seem to agree, with Kojima re-posting a book about Pan, and Reedus returns the link to millions of his followers. With DualShock 5 on the way, there is no telling of the type of treadmill connection we can see when it comes to Fa Stranding 2.