The domain of Zoom users every day, according to some statistics, has more than four times as people around the world are accustomed to working and learning together, but on their own risk to employee confidentiality, to be sure). It's not something your boss has given you to call twice a month; Personal and informal use has helped make it a social media tool.
So, if that's where we spend most of our time talking to each other, why not take it for granted? Some video game publishers have entered the fashion this week, so you can stream live Final concept 7Midgar, Street Fighter, or Skyrim city of Solitude, no green screen needed.
Here are the official foundations of Bethesda Softworks, for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim
Capcom this afternoon presented eight categories, four of them Street Fighter 2 and four from Street Fighter 5.
Let's not ignore The final surprise 7 Remake (introduce tomorrow). Plato Enix got the video game domain trend started last week.
Ubisoft has a number of worlds to appear Assassin's Cassins Odyssey, Far Cry 5, and the Rabbids franchise:
NintendoSoup pulled together a large anthology of Japanese publishers who provide visual background, including Sega:
And Nintendo's official Super Mario Odyssey Twitter account:
Update: Annapurna Interactive recently reached out to share four domains from their library: Donut County, Exotic wildlife, The remainder of Edith Finch, and Sayanora Wild Hearts. And under that gallery, Double Fine Productions has details on it Psychologists 2 and Rad domains:
Enhance your home-to-home video conferencing with this free pack of domains from Psychonauts 2 and RAD!
We would love to see clips of them in use: be it yoga class, movie night, or work interview – the choice is yours!
Download here:
– Double Good (@DallenFine) April 8, 2020
This is just a sample, and is limited to video games; any Twitter or Google search for "video conference" or "zoom" and "domain" will create all kinds of pop culture wallpapers.
If you're new to zooming in, or you're not sure how to change the background, it's as easy as selecting an image on your desktop from another social media tool. Go to your preferences / settings, and you will see the background option visible on the left. Here I get it for the first time.
Click the icon in the bottom right corner of the window. Zooming will ask you to upload an image, and you're all set. Voila, I'm here at Batcave:
<div class = "c-shoppable c-shoppable – has-image" data-anthem-complication = "1510439" data-cid = "site / shoppable-1586476725_4603_158943" data-cdata = "{" anthem_component_id ": 1510439," title ":" Change Lite "," chorus_asset_id ": 19829549," url ":" "," seller ":" Target "," price ":" $ 199.99 "," description ":"
Nintendo switchch consoles are usually sold out, but you can still pick up a hand-held Shints Lite, suitable for mobile games.
"," entry_id ": 20979640," image_url ":"×0/ .jpg "," anchor_id ":" switchch_Lite-1510439 "}">
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